Katimavik Hamilton

Cameron’s billeting experience
May 25, 2012, 8:54 pm
Filed under: Random

It’s been a couple weeks since I was billeting, and I’ve been glad to be back at the katimahouse. The first weekend was enjoyable, spending the Doors Open weekend with my billet-mom. But it became a struggle at the end of the week to live with my billeting family and for them to live with me. It seems we were a bad match. But all’s over. I will take my experiences here with me into the future…


eperience hebergement
May 25, 2012, 6:33 pm
Filed under: Random

mon hebergement etait exeptionnelle je me suis amuser et jai adorer chacunne de mes activiter nous somme aller a canada wonderland ,nous nous somme ammuzer  Jeremei

May 25, 2012, 3:23 pm
Filed under: Random


I’m sure people wonder how much food it takes to feed a katimafamily of 10. So Kristen and I thought it would be fun to show you all the groceries we purchased from one shopping trip!

Yes, that is a wagon full to the point of overflowing, plus 4 bags. This is generally enough food to last us a few days before we have to make another shopping trip.

It can be tough to be on a budget, but rest assured that we in katimavik definitely do not starve!

Farmers Market
May 25, 2012, 12:10 pm
Filed under: Random

Farmers Market

One of the many booth at the Hamilton Farmers Market that we as Katimavik House Managers frequent. Thanks for providing much of our fruits and veggies 🙂

Katima Fancy
May 24, 2012, 4:20 pm
Filed under: Random

Katima Fancy

We are going to have fancy diner. This is going to be goooooood!

Break and Enter
May 24, 2012, 11:36 am
Filed under: Random

News update in the exciting lives of Kristen and Jenna as house managers this week!

So this morning Kristen and I had just finished eating breakfast and were preparing to begin the days tasks when suddenly we heard some barking coming from the back yard. Kristen went to the back door to investigate and informed me there was a dog in the back yard. Suddenly Kristen shrieked “Jenna, it’s coming in!!” and ran from the door. I came to the kitchen just in time to see a large dog bound through our screen door (which happens to be missing the screen…) and run frantically through our house. Kristen and I stood there in shock and confusion and fear as the dog ran down the hallway.

Moments later the dog’s owner appeared in our doorway in a panic, and told us that his dog had hit a car (no, not the other way around) and ran off scared. He apologized for the trouble he had caused us, and was just happy that his friend had not been hurt and wasn’t too traumatized, although he was still very scared. After trying to get the dog to drink some water, we bid him and his owner goodbye, and stood for a moment still in shock.

That’s when we noticed the pee on the floor. And the poo. All down the hallway. And in our bedroom, which we had thought the dog hadn’t reached. Needless to say, most of this morning has been spent cleaning up and disinfecting the floor.

And that is the story of our super eventful day today. Its not even noon yet. The fun never stops when you’re a katimavik house manager!

Until next time,

– Jenna

May 22, 2012, 4:52 pm
Filed under: Random

Just realized that I forgot to write a post about my billeting experience. I can’t believe that I forgot to ask because my experience was great!

I was staying with Rebecca and Mike for a week and a half. They are two very interesting and kind people. They were nice enough to show me around their city, and introduce me to a few of their friends. While I was there I felt like I really got to know the city – and realize how much is going on here. This is a city which is moving past its bad reputation, and is making small steps to improve itself. Rebecca and Mike are very involved in the city, and they gave me a great local’s perspective.

It was a great experience! I feel very lucky to have been placed with Rebecca and Mike.


May 22, 2012, 3:02 pm
Filed under: Random

Jenna here.

I had a free moment and thought I should take this opportunity to tell a little bit about my billeting experience here in Hamilton. If you don’t know what billeting is, please refer to Kristen’s post about it :).

From May 3-13 all of us here left our home to go stay with host families in the community. I was placed with Ron and Justin, a couple living near James st. North, and I could not be happier with my billeting experience! Some of the things we did during my ten days there included (but was not limited to):

  • Doing LOTS of hot yoga
  • Checking out Doors Open Hamilton
  • Seeing a local production of the musical Hairspray
  • Seeing a performance of the musical Cats
  • Going to the Art Crawl
  • Attending Justin’s grandfather’s church dinner
  • Drinking Ron’s patented smoothies 🙂
  • Watching lots of Parks and Recreation (awesome show)
  • Playing board games

My host dads were so awesome, and I am so glad I got to be their 10 day daughter!!! I miss them already, and their adorable dog Okwali (pronounced oak-wall-ay) (don’t think I spelled that right…). Altogether my billeting experience was fantastic and I could not ask for better!

Kristen and Jenna
May 22, 2012, 2:41 pm
Filed under: Random

Hey guys!.

Just for a little FYI. Jenna and I are your HM’s this week. Who’s stoaked?

We plan to have a couple themed dinners, and tons and tons of fun. Pictures will follow.

I found this quote this morning, and thought that it was neat and needful to be shared. It applies to the Katimavik way of life very well.

“You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and to impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.” – Woodrow Wilson

Have an awesome day readers!



Mon expérience d’hébergement (Pierre Thibeault Leduc)
May 17, 2012, 3:13 pm
Filed under: Random

J’ai beaucoup aimer mon exérience d’hébergment  sa ma permie de me reposer  manger  de la très bonne nouriture visité  des endroit et 2 musés  rencontre d’autre personnes !Je remercie ma famille d’hébergement et la programme Katimavik pour m’avoir permie de faire cette expérience !