Katimavik Hamilton

I’m backkkkkkk!
May 13, 2012, 8:32 pm
Filed under: Random

Hey blogg readers. Kristen here.

I am freshly back from billeting! And boy, did I ever miss group life. How strange is it that this crazy, hectic life we Katimavictims live has become more normal to me than living in a house with 2 other people. So strange. Going home is going to be a big adjustment.

For any of you who do not know what billeting is, it is when we leave our group life behind for 1-2 weeks and go to live with a family in our host community. The point of this is to more fully immerse us in the culture of the specific comunity that we are in. It also has the purpose of giving us a bit of a break from the crazy schedule that we have.

My week and a half was spent with Pauline Smith. Very nice woman. I am thankful to her for taking me in 🙂

Some of the things we did include

  • A LOT of gardening.
  • Going to a Legion dance.
  • We went to Niagara Falls. This was amazing.
  • We went to see “The Lucky One” in theatres.
  • We did some more gardening.
  • Went to value village.
  • Went to explore McMaster University.
  • Explored the Airport.
  • Went to the city dump.

I’m sure there are many other things. But that is the main bit. I had lots of fun. I also enjoyed actually speaking the same language as my host family here. That made things a bit easier.

Again. Thanks Pauline. It was fun!

Over and out. Sleep calls.


We found a free organ !
May 2, 2012, 3:53 pm
Filed under: Random

We found a free organ !

Fews weeks ago, Kristen,Nicole, Jérémie, Jocelyne, Samuel et Sarali (me) had nothing to do during the evening (free time). So Kristen typed in google ” what to do in hamilton a saturday night ? ”. She found a haunted walk at 9pm or something around that. So we decided to run for go there, but during the run, we see a free organ . A guy had the organ on he patio and it was write ” free” So Sam knocked at the door, explain that we want it but we’re busy in time, so we’ll come back.
At the haunted walk, the guy said that theirs already full so we went drink a coffee. After the coffee, we return to the house for talk to the guy (in the same time, we explain to him what’s Katimavik ).
We walk 10-15min, maybe more, with the organ, on the street, people look us in a very weird way. When we arrived at home no one was there, so with just put the organ on the dinning room. The others were surprised and they didn’t understood why there is an organ in the middle of the dinning room (because we decided to wait before explain that to them, it was very funny.

Il y a quelques semaines, Kristen,Nicole, Jérémie Jocelyne et Sarali (moi) n’avions rien à faire durant la soirée (temps libre). Alors, Kristen a cherché sur internet ” quoi faire à Hamilton un samedi soir”. Elle a trouvée une activité d’une marche hantée vers 21h ou quelque chose autour de cette heure. On a dû courir pour se rendre. En courant, on a vu sur un patio un orgue avec une pancarte ”Gratuit”. Samuel a cogné à la porte pour demander si on pouvait l’avoir, et lui a expliqué qu’on allait revenir. Rendu à la marche hantée, le responsable nous a dit que c’était déjà plein, alors nous sommes allé prendre un café. Après notre café, nous somme retourné à la maison chercher l’orgue, en même temps, nous avons expliqué à l’homme qu’est-ce que Katimavik. Nous avons marché 10-15 minutes, peu être plus, les gens dans la rues nous regardaient d’une manière vraiment étrange. Quand nous sommes arrivée il n’y avait personne à la maison, alors nous l’avons simplement déposé dans la salle à manger. Les autres étaient surpris et ne comprenaient pas pourquoi il y avait un orgue dans le salon parce qu’on avait attendu avant de tout leur raconter, c’était très drôle.


English class !
May 2, 2012, 12:12 pm
Filed under: Random

English class !

All the awesome francophones ( Sarali,Jérémie, Hector Daniel & Pierre) enjoy theirs english class 🙂
The teacher always take the time to help us, don’t judge when we misunderstanding something. Even if were’nt at the same level (writting, reading, listening and SPEAKING), we all learn a lot. We actually learn words and sentence about travel, go to restaurant, what to say when you meet someone for the first time (practice different context) etc.
She expect help eah other during the week, but we can e-mail her for all our questions about everything and anything. And we play a little game each class (pictionnary,improvisation etc.)

Tout les francophones (Sarali, Jérémie, Hector Daniel et Pierre) aime leur cours d’anglais. L’enseignante prend toujours le temps de nous aider, et elle ne nous juge pas si l’on comprend mal quelque chose. Même si nous ne sommes pas tous au même niveau (écriture, lecture, compréhension et parler), nous apprenons tous beaucoup. Actuellement nous pratiquons certains sujets de conversation comme les voyage, aller au restaurant et comment commencer une conversation lorsque c’est la première fois que l’on rencontre quelqu’un (dans plusieurs différents contextes).
Elle s’attend à ce qu’on s’entraide durant la semaine, mais nous pouvons toujours lui envoyer un courriel pour toute nos questions. Puis, à chaque classe, nous jouons à un petit jeux (éducatif) , comme pictionnary, improvisation etc.


petit acident hier soir :P
May 2, 2012, 11:14 am
Filed under: Random

hier moi et sarali avont commencer a preparer le souper tres top en fait nous lavons commencer a 10 am ,nous preparion une manifique bechammelle de mon crue donc une foi la sauce fini je cuisais mes legume (patate,carote et petit pois vert) et jai verser de lui sur le four par acident et je m/tait appercu de rien , donc un peut plus tard le detecteure de fummer commenca a sonner je croiyait que cettai pour lavapeure de mes legume donc je suis aller l/tendre quand je suis revenu jai compru que cetait car le feu etais pris endesou de mes element donc moi et saralie avons retirer les pot et nous avon commencer a controler le feu saralie est partie trouver linstincteur et moi je contenant le feu dans lelemment applicant ce que j”ai appris dans mon experience de travaille chez st-hubert . finalement le feu cest etain mais peut apres tout les detecteur de fummer ,de feu,de co2 on commancer a resoner .cetai le cao:P mais nous avon r/ussi a les eteindre .tout ce finni bien .Le souper /tait exellent


Random Act of Kindness
April 30, 2012, 3:35 pm
Filed under: Random

Random Act of Kindness

En fin de semaine, nous avons décidés de réaliser certains ”Random Act of Kindness” ( Actes de gentilesse). Sarali et Jérémie était en équipe ensemble (avec Bill Summer, un ancient Katimavikien qui était venu nous visiter). Jérémie a eu l’idée d’utiliser les pancartes ”Free Hugs” (Calins gratuits) pour effectuer notre tâche. Alors, dimanche dernier (29 avril), nous nous sommes promener dans les rues du downtown d’Hamilton en donnant des câlins à ceux qui en voulait bien.

We still need one more billeting family!
April 29, 2012, 4:33 pm
Filed under: Random

We still need one more billeting family!

Hello devoted blog readers.

From May 3rd until May 13th we will be billeting!

For those of you who may not know what that is, we leave our group living home and go to live with people of the host community for a week and a half, to more fully experience the culture and lifestyles of the people who live in our community. This is a hugeeee part of the Katimavik experience and is one of the most memorable things we do in the program. An excellent experience!

And right now, we do not have enough billeting families for all of us


So! Devoted katima-blog readers. This is your time to step up to the plate. If one of you lovely people would like to have one of us lovely people stay with you and/or your family for a week and a half

PLEASE do not hesitste to let us know.

Contact details will follow.

Merci beaucoup!

Random Acts Of Kindness
April 29, 2012, 4:18 pm
Filed under: Random

Random Acts Of Kindness

Hey guys! Sorry for sucking at blogging the last couple of days, but we’re back. No worries.
Today one of our activities other than the KCC/CCK was an activity put on by the information committee called ‘Random Acts Of Kindness’.
Basically our job was to go out and make people feel good. HAlp them to smile and realize that life is good.

We hit up the downtown area and the Locke street area. And got some dratsically mixed reactions. Some people just were not open to receveing our small acts of kindness, such as a free hug for example… Some people either really enjoyed it and openly accepted it and others didn’t even pay attention at all.

Something one team did was to write little personalized notes and stick them in mail boxes or on car windshields. So we hope that those people will find them and appreciate the things we said. That is what is pictured here.

Yup. Now to pass on our kindness to you!

Hope you have a fantabulous week and that someone makes you feel special and loved every day.

Much love.

-The Katimavik kids

Green onion magic.
April 25, 2012, 5:03 pm
Filed under: Random

Green onion magic.

Did you know that you could grow your own green onions at home?

All you do is use the white part with roots that usually gets thrown out. Make sure you cut it about 3 inches long and submerge the roots in room temperature water. Place in a cup in a sunny spot. Wait about a week and you’ll have more green onions ready to be cut and used whenever you need them!

April 25, 2012, 4:56 pm
Filed under: Random


Can you smell it? This is what’s for supper ce soir folks!

Made on the barbeque and our first attempt at making dough in the bread machine.

This bread is PAINful to look at I know..
April 25, 2012, 9:57 am
Filed under: Random

This bread is PAINful to look at I know..

So. I’m not touching that bread machine ever for a while, as this is the loaf I made this morning. Giant dents in the middle are not usually acceptable in loaves of bread.

Oh well. It will get eaten anyway I’m sure…..
